CTC Firefighting

CTC Firefighting

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Firefighter I 8/24/11

Journal:  Why do you think that physical fitness is important in the fire service?


Today the Firefighter I class got the opportunity to experience how career firefighters begin each shift, by doing physical training and washing the fire truck.  The student's were taught the motto that Mr. Riddle was taught from a wise old lieutenant "A clean fire truck, is a happy fire truck."  The students also got the opportunity to practice the Anderson City Fire Department New Hire Physical Training Test.  The test consists of a set standard number of push ups and sit ups that must be completed in one minute and a mile and a half run that has to be completed under a set time.  The students performed well with 5 of the students meeting or exceeding the standard in all 3 components.  Those students were Corey Bell, Nathan Huff, Tyler Fulbright, Justin McNeill, and Adam Kowaleski. 

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